Working with numbersequences – new NumberSequence

  • September 22, 2017

A few years a go I made a few posts about numbersequences, in these posts I forgot to mention that you need to execute the following job before you can find your new created Numbersequence. static void NumberSeqLoadAll(Args _args) { NumberSeqApplicationModule::loadAll(); }static void NumberSeqLoadAll(Args _args) { NumberSeqApplicationModule::loadAll(); }

Maximize a form in Ax

  • September 15, 2017

Change the properties width = ‘column width’ and height = ‘column height’ on the form. Add the following code in the run-method of the form: #WinApi ; super(); WinApi::showWindow(this.hWnd(), #SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);#WinApi ; super(); WinApi::showWindow(this.hWnd(), #SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);

Change the language at runtime

  • November 30, 2011

Normally when you change your language you go to your user options, change your current language and the restart the client. This week I got the question if it was possible to do so in runtime. You can do so by just calling the infolog.language(str 7 _languageCode). All labels that you load after calling this … Continue Reading

Amount in words

  • November 28, 2011

This week one of my customers asked me to place the amount in words on a invoice. I couldn’t believe that sush function wasn’t availible in standard Ax. After some research I found that the Global-class contains the following methods: static TempStr numeralsToTxt(real _num) static TempStr numeralsToTxt_EN(real _num) static TempStr numeralsToTxt_ES(real _num) static TempStr numeralsToTxt_FR(real … Continue Reading

Index vs Index hint

  • October 1, 2010

This is a discussion I had with several colleagues. What is the difference between index and index hint and what do we use in our code?

Testing code on client/server

  • September 25, 2010

When you quickly want to test some code I often write some test-code in a small job. When you execute the code in this job, it will be executed on client-side. A colleague of mine asked me if he could test the same job while running on server-side. Wen you quickly want to test the … Continue Reading

Loop all tables

  • September 16, 2010
  • 1 Comment

There is a simple trick to loop all tables that are available in Ax. Just use the Dictionary-class that contains all information about tables. Small example to list all tablenames + their corresponding Id. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 static void JeDoe_listTables(Args _args) { Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(); int … Continue Reading

Records with RecId 101090

  • August 4, 2010

I was using the postload method of the HRMBenefitType-table to fill the description-field with language-sensitive description (from LanguageTxt). This works fine when I view the record, but not when I use a lookup. I’ve put a break-point on my postload method and noticed the recId (this.recid of the HRMBenefitType table). This is always the 101090. … Continue Reading

Dialog Extended

  • May 12, 2010

One of my colleagues (Koen Dedecker) was looking for a way to prevent user interaction with other forms while a certain dialog is shown. After some research he found the solution on the blog Dynamics AX tools and tutorials from Vanya Kashperuk. A few years ago (2007) he made a simple extension of the dialog class … Continue Reading