On February th 14th this year I am giving my first presentation on TechDays 🙂 You can view some details about my presentation on http://www.microsoft.com/belux/techdays/2012/SessionDetail.aspx?sessionId=275
TechDays : Software testing with Visual Studio 2010
A few weeks ago I posted a link to all the TechDays 2010 sessions. There is one session I want to remark in special. The ‘Software Testing with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010‘ is a session about the new testing suite in Visual studio 2010 and it should be compatible with Microsoft Dynamics Ax, but I … Continue Reading
Techdays 2010 @ Antwerp – Channel9
A few weeks ago I attended Techdays 2010. Now you all video’s ave been posted on Channel9. Check them out on: http://channel9.msdn.com/tags/TechDaysBelux/ Enjoy!
TechDays 2010 – Ticket
Yesterday I got a mail wtih the subject ‘TechDays 2010 – E-Ticket’. So there is no turning back 🙂 Now I just need to descide witch sessions to take.
Microsoft TechDays 2010 @ Metropolis Antwerp
I totally forgot to blog about this… On March 31 and April 1, me and some colleagues (RealDolmen) will attend the Microsoft TechDays 2010 conference in Antwerp (Belgium).