A few years a go I made a few posts about numbersequences, in these posts I forgot to mention that you need to execute the following job before you can find your new created Numbersequence. static void NumberSeqLoadAll(Args _args) { NumberSeqApplicationModule::loadAll(); }static void NumberSeqLoadAll(Args _args) { NumberSeqApplicationModule::loadAll(); }
Working with numbersequences – On forms
When you want to implement NumberSequences in a Ax form (new numbersequence when you create a record etc.) you can just implement the ‘numberSeqFormHandler’. Step-by-step:
Working with numbersequences – Keep In Mind
When you are using a Number Sequence, keep in mind that a Continuous Number Sequence is slower than a non-continuous. The reason is that the system creates a record in the table NumberSequenceList (with the status Active) and cleans it up later during TTSCOMMIT. Performance tip: You can improve the performance of a process that creates many … Continue Reading
Working with numbersequences – New Module
In a previous post I explained how to create a new Number Sequence in a existing module (Working with numbersequences – new NumberSequence). In this post I will explain how you can create a new Number Sequence-module. I will create a new module called TEST (lack of inspiration). Step-By-Step:
Working with numbersequences – new NumberSequence
When you want to create a new NumberSequence in AX you have to do the following steps: 1. Create a new Extended Data Type (EDT). Often this EDT extends from num. (this step is not mandatory, but it is a best practice) 2. Discide in witch module this new Number Sequence Reference (classes NumberSeqReference_…) should … Continue Reading