Use of ‘like’ in a if-statement

  • October 13, 2009
  • 1 Comment

In Ax it is possible to use the ‘like’ keyword in a if-statement. This would look like this: 1 2 3 4 if (purchTable.purchId like ’09*’) { // Do something }if (purchTable.purchId like ’09*’) { // Do something }

Using ‘Not Like’ in Ax X++

  • October 13, 2009

When you want to use wild-cards in Ax, you can write a SQL statement with a LIKE keyword 1 2 select firstonly purchTable where purchTable.purchId like ’09*’;select firstonly purchTable where purchTable.purchId like ’09*’; When you want to have all the other records (not like), in X++ SQL-statements you have 3 possibilities: 1.!LIKE : 1 2 … Continue Reading