Use of DateTime in select statement

  • April 26, 2009

Created/ModifiedDateTime is a datetime field and the value will be stored as UTCDateTime. So when you want to find all the records created/modified on a certain date, you have to find all the records between the start of the day and the end of the day. The newDateTime() function is defined in the DateTimeUtil class … Continue Reading

Customizing EditorScripts

  • April 23, 2009

Ax had a few interesting scripts for the developer. When you have an idea for a new useful script you can extend the the EditorScripts Class (ClassesEditorScripts) with your new class. Here is a example where you automate some custom comment while developing: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 void comments_MyComment(Editor e) { e.unmark(); … Continue Reading

Security key disabled, even for the Admin

  • April 23, 2009

When you import a new security key trough a XPO, this new key will be disabled even for the admin group. Since you can’t adjust the security setting for the admin group you can’t use the keys functionality. There is a verry simple solution for this problem. Open the method FormsSysUserGroupSecurityMethodsisAdmin and force this method … Continue Reading

Select Table/Field/User/… (PickList)

  • April 20, 2009

Sometimes you want your user to select a sertain table/field/… When you want to program this selection all by yourself you have to make a table, override the lookup()-method, … There is also a easy way to do this. You can use the pic**** methodes in the Global class: How do you use these classes … Continue Reading